Monday, April 24, 2006

Literary Rants

I have a couple of things I could rant about today, however I think I am going to stick with one subject - one that is more important to fellow writers.

Third party query companies.

These are companies that will put together a "well written" query letter about your novel and submit it to agents for you. All paid for, by the author, of course. This is a bad idea for a writer, and a supreme waste of cash.

Let's start off with the first reason, the most obvious reason, for me to say the above statement.

AGENTS AND EDITORS AREN'T STUPID. They remember queries - maybe not authors, but definitely queries. If they start seeing several query letters in the same sort of format (down to the style and wording) they will definitely pick up the trend. And from what I have read from Miss Snark, Nelson, and Agent Obscura - they don't like them. It shows them that you, as an author, don't have the gusto to really jump up and write your own damn query letter. Also, these companies tend to make mistakes on WHO and WHERE they are submitting these to (incorrectly spelled names, incorrect addresses, etc). None of this is impressive to an agent or an editor.

The second reason, one which I shouldn't have to explain, is that this is something writers should do on their own. Let me put it this way: paying a third party company to query an agent for you is equivalent to asking your friend to ask the pretty girl out for you. It's a bad idea all the way around. Not to mention that the query letter is an agent or editor's first impression of your writing, your voice, and your ability to communicate effectively. This is when you show up all dressed for success, smiling white teeth, perfectly manicured hair and speak politely to everyone. You never get a second chance to make a first impression (cliche, but true nonetheless) - don't blow it. Show your creativity, your voice, and your originality.

Anyway - that's my rant for now. Feel free to send comments. Even argue if you have a valid point. I won't bite, I promise.


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