Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Novel Progress, editing, etc

Two things for this post weigh on my mind.

First thing: Do professional freelance editors really make a difference? Copy editing is expensive, and as far as I can tell it shouldn't be necessary for an author to pay for it. They should be able to do it on their own. Copy editing is something that comes from practice, schooling, and being a good writer. It 's part of the craft.

Critiquing is OK, but if your editor does not have a background in publishing, either as a writer or an editor for a big house - their critique is just as good as any that you would receive from a writing group online.

Out of the pages that the editor did for me as a sample, I was able to glean one bit of advice that I found useful (the other parts I already knew and had been planning on implementing). That was to avoid getting caught in sentence patterns. I hadn't realized that they were there, but afterwards, I could see how I would use the same pattern over and over. So in the editing process that comes on with Afterlife: Oblivion I am going to focus on changing it up a bit.

OK part Two: The progress on the next novel, "DEMON", is going well. Its 4, 300 words into it. Not bad for two nights of writing (ah the suckiness of being a writer who has a day job). Already I can see the tone for this novel is going to be much more into the 'sad' direction. In the second scene of the book, a really horrible tragedy occurs, and just when you thought it couldn't get worse, I threw in some extra tragedy for the heck of it. Makes you want to hate me, but hey, that's good - emotional response to prose keeps you reading to find out if I make it any better.

We shall see when I get the outline done, how much happiness really does invade the book. I am a fan of happy endings with deep consequences and profound impacts on the character's future, so you will just have to wait and see.

Oh, Hey, does anyone want to see the blurb for the Afterlife book that I am going to put into my query letter? I was thinking of posting it and getting response on what you think of it.

Anyway, I won't be able to post much until after Easter - we are going to visit my father this weekend in IL, who turns 50 in a few days. Can't miss the chance to shower him with 'Over the hill' merchandise :) The cool part: he doesn't know we are coming. My mom has done a pretty good job of hiding it :P

Go mom :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna see I wanna see!!!!! ~grins~

6:14 AM  

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